Conjunction Junction

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Conjunction Junction


The television program Lost is one that creates suspense through a combination of excellent writing and clever editing. The second season of Lost began with the task of familiarizing the audience with several new characters. Once the audience was caught up with the story of those on the other side of the island, there was also the challenge of telling both stories in a way that could keep the audience interested and engaged.

Aside from keeping up with both story lines, the characters needed to meet and create one new line of storytelling from the two. The scene in which the two sets of people met was one filled with suspense. As one set of characters travels through the jungle, trying to avoid contact with the dangerous "others," Shannon and Said push into the jungle in search of Walt, a character who had been captured.

The editors show the relationship and relative closeness of the two groups of people by cutting from one group to the other in rapid fashion. However, by using close-ups on the faces of the characters, and making use of rain as a cover, the audience does not become familier with the surroundings. As one group is waiting, ready to defend themselves from the others, another is running into the jungle. As the camers flashes on the first group, the bushes move, and a person begins to emerge. Fearing for their lives, the first group shoots the figure coming out of the trees.

The camera then flashes back to Shannon and Said. When Shannon turns to face Said, it is the first time the audience sees that she has been wounded. Said turns his attention to Shannon, but realized that she is dead. The camera focuses on Said's face, and shows him looking up and away.

We are then able to follow Said's gaze, and see the first group of people, those traveling through the jungle to the other side of the island. The camera then focuses on Ana Lucia, who is holding a gun pointed at the spot where Shannon was standing. At that moment, the audience, as well as the characters, realize the terrible mistake which has occured.

By using editing, the creators of Lost are able to keep the audience in suspence, revealing information when they chose, and leaving the audience in the dark when they chose.


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